Beantragen Sie ein indisches Visum aus Norwegen

Die Beantragung eines indischen E-Visums aus Norwegen ist ein unkomplizierter Prozess, der das Reisen zwischen diesen beiden Ländern erleichtern soll. Das indische E-Visa- System ist eine Online-Methode zur Beantragung von Visa von überall auf der Welt. Als norwegischer Staatsbürger können Sie ganz bequem von zu Hause aus ein indisches E-Visum beantragen. Der Prozess ist vollständig digital, sodass Sie keinen Besuch bei der Botschaft oder dem Konsulat benötigen.

Das indische E-Visum ist eine Reisegenehmigung für Ausländer, die Indien aus touristischen, geschäftlichen oder medizinischen Gründen besuchen möchten. Es handelt sich um ein elektronisches Visum, das Papierdokumente und physische Stempel oder Aufkleber in Ihrem Reisepass überflüssig macht.

Das Schöne am indischen E-Visa-System ist seine Einfachheit und Bequemlichkeit. Sie können sich von überall und jederzeit bewerben, sofern Sie über einen Internetzugang verfügen. Darüber hinaus ist der Bewerbungsprozess benutzerfreundlich gestaltet, sodass norwegische Bürger problemlos durch die erforderlichen Schritte navigieren können.

Wer hat Anspruch auf das indische E-Visum? : Zulassungskriterien für Norweger

Norwegische Staatsbürger haben Anspruch auf das indische E-Visum, eine elektronische Reisegenehmigung, die ihnen die Einreise nach Indien aus verschiedenen Gründen ermöglicht. Hier sind die Zulassungskriterien für Norweger, um ein indisches E-Visum zu beantragen:

  • Reisezweck: Das E-Visum steht für verschiedene Zwecke zur Verfügung, darunter Tourismus, Geschäftsreisen, medizinische Behandlung und Konferenzen. Antragsteller müssen basierend auf ihrem Reisezweck die entsprechende Visumkategorie auswählen.

  • Gültigkeit des Reisepasses: Der Reisepass des Antragstellers sollte ab dem Datum der Ankunft in Indien noch mindestens sechs Monate gültig sein . Außerdem sollten mindestens zwei freie Seiten für Einwanderungsstempel vorhanden sein.

  • Vorheriges E-Visum: Wenn der Antragsteller bereits im Besitz eines E-Visums war, muss er sicherstellen, dass sein vorheriges E-Visum abgelaufen ist, bevor er ein neues E-Visum beantragt.

  • Ankunftsflughäfen/Seehäfen: Das E-Visum gilt für die Einreise über 29 ausgewiesene Flughäfen und 5 ausgewiesene Seehäfen in Indien. Bewerber sollten ihren Ankunftshafen entsprechend auswählen.

Erkundung der Arten und Gültigkeit von indischen E-Visa für Norweger

Norwegische Staatsbürger haben Zugang zu verschiedenen Arten von indischen E-Visa, die jeweils für bestimmte Reisezwecke konzipiert sind. Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht über die E-Visa-Typen und deren Gültigkeit:

  • Touristen-e-Visum: Gültig für Tourismus- und Erholungszwecke, einschließlich Besichtigungen, Besuche bei Freunden oder Verwandten, Besuch kultureller Veranstaltungen oder kurzfristige Yoga-Kurse.

    Es gibt drei Kategorien von touristischen E-Visa für norwegische Staatsbürger:

  • Touristen-e-Visum (30 Tage): Gültig für 30 Tage ab Ausstellungsdatum, mit einem maximalen Aufenthalt von 30 Tagen ab Ankunftsdatum.

  • Touristen-e-Visum (1 Jahr): Konzipiert für mehrere kurze Besuche in Indien zu touristischen Zwecken innerhalb eines Jahres. Jeder Besuch kann einen maximalen Aufenthalt von 90 Tagen haben und die maximale Aufenthaltsdauer dieses E-Visums beträgt 180 Tage.

  • Touristen-e-Visum (5 Jahre): Ermöglicht mehrere Besuche zu touristischen Zwecken über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren, wobei jeder Besuch auf einen maximalen Aufenthalt von 90 Tagen beschränkt ist und der maximale Aufenthalt in einem Jahr 180 Tage beträgt.

  • Business-e-Visum: Für geschäftliche Aktivitäten wie die Teilnahme an Meetings, Konferenzen, Messen oder den Aufbau von Geschäftskontakten in Indien gedacht. Ermöglicht mehrere Besuche für Geschäftsbesuche über einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr , wobei jeder Besuch auf einen maximalen Aufenthalt von 180 Tagen begrenzt ist.

  • Medical e-Visa: Designed for individuals seeking medical treatment in recognized hospitals or specialized medical centers in India. The medical e-Visa is valid for a 120 days from the date of issue, allowing triple entry with a maximum stay of 60 days.

  • Medical Attendant e-Visa: Intended for individuals accompanying patients seeking medical treatment in India. The medical attendant e-Visa has the same validity as the corresponding patient's medical e-Visa.

  • Conference e-Visa: For individuals attending conferences, seminars, or workshops in India. The conference e-Visa is valid for 120 days from the date of issue, allowing single entry with a maximum stay of 30 days.

Documentation for Norwegians: Preparing for the Indian e-Visa Application

When applying for an Indian e-Visa as a Norwegian citizen, it is important to gather the necessary documentation beforehand. Here are the essential documents required for India visa you need to prepare:

  • Passport Bio Page: Scan or take a clear photo of the bio page of your passport, which contains your personal information, photograph, and passport number. This page is required for the e-Visa application and should be uploaded as part of the application process.

  • Digital photograph: Prepare a recent color photograph of yourself in JPG format. The photo should meet the specified requirements, such as a white background and a clear view of your face.

  • Supporting documents: Depending on the purpose of your visit (tourism, business, conference or medical treatment), you may need additional documents such as a letter of invitation, business card, or proof of event and political clearance.

e-Visa Process for Norwegians: How to fill out the online application form

To fill out the online application form for the Indian e-Visa as a Norwegian citizen, follow these steps:

  • Visit the Indian e-Visa website and select the "India e-Visa Application" or "Apply e-Visa" option.

  • Choose the appropriate e-Visa category based on your travel purpose: tourism, business, conference, or medical treatment.

  • Fill in the required personal information, including your full name, date of birth, nationality (Norwegian), and passport details.

  • Provide your contact details, including your email address and phone number.

  • Enter your planned date of arrival in India and select the intended port of entry.

  • Review all the entered information carefully to ensure accuracy and completeness.

  • Upload the scanned or photographed copy of your passport bio page, as well as a recent passport-sized photograph with a white background.

  • Upload additional documents based on the selected e-Visa category, such as business, conference or medical documents (if applicable).

  • Pay the e-Visa processing fee using a valid debit or credit card.

  • After submission, you will receive an application reference number, which can be used to track the status of your e-Visa application.

  • Once Approved, you will receive your e-Visa via email. Print a copy and carry it with you when traveling to India.

Indian e-Visa processing time for Norwegian applicants

The processing time for Indian e-Visa applications may vary for Norwegian applicants, depending on the selected category. Here are the two types of e-Visa processing times:

  • Standard processing: The standard processing time for the Indian e-Visa is typically around 3-5 business days. This is the regular processing option and is suitable for most travelers who plan their trip in advance.

  • Urgent processing: For those who require their e-Visa more quickly, there is an option for urgent processing. The urgent processing time is usually around 1-3 business days, providing a faster turnaround for Norwegian applicants. This India urgent visa option may involve an additional fee.

Details about the Indian e-Visa fee for Norwegian applicants

The Indian e-Visa fee for Norwegian applicants depends on various factors such as the country of origin, visa type, and processing type selected. To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the fee, it is recommended to visit the official Indian e-Visa website and navigate to the fee page. There, you will find detailed information about the specific fees applicable to Norwegian citizens based on their travel purpose, such as tourism, business, confernce or medical treatment, as well as the chosen processing time. The fee page will provide the necessary details to determine the exact amount to be paid for the Indian e-Visa application.

Entry points in India that accept the e-Visa

The Indian e-Visa allows for entry through 29 designated airports and 5 designated seaports.

The airports include major cities such as Delhi (Indira Gandhi International Airport), Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport), Chennai (Chennai International Airport), Kolkata (Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport), and Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum International Airport), among others. Additional airports on the list are Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Cochin, Goa, Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Gaya, Jaipur, Lucknow, Trichy, Varanasi, Calicut, Mangalore, Pune, Nagpur, Coimbatore, Bagdogra, Guwahati, Chandigarh, Visakhapatnam, Madurai, Bhubaneswar, Port Blair, and Kannur.

For those traveling by sea, the designated seaports that accept the e-Visa are Mumbai, Cochin, Mormugao, Chennai, and New Mangalore.

These seaports provide entry points for travelers holding a valid Indian e-Visa.

Understanding the immigration process at Indian airports

The immigration process at Indian airports involves the following steps:

  • Arrival: Upon reaching the Indian airport, follow the signs indicating immigration or passport control.

  • Queue and Documents: Join the queue and have your passport, e-Visa, and any other required documents ready for inspection.

  • Passport Check: Present your passport and e-Visa to the immigration officer. They will verify your identity, passport validity, and e-Visa details.

  • Biometrics: In some cases, biometric data, such as fingerprints or a facial scan, may be collected as part of the immigration process.

  • Immigration Clearance: Once your documents and biometric data are verified, the immigration officer will stamp your passport, granting you permission to enter India.

  • Baggage Claim: Proceed to the baggage claim area to collect your luggage.

  • Customs Check: After collecting your baggage, you will need to pass through customs, where your belongings may be subject to inspection.

  • Exit: Finally, head towards the exit, where you can continue your journey within India or proceed to transportation options for your onward travel.

Essential travel tips for Norwegians for a smooth arrival and stay in India

Here are some essential travel tips for Norwegians to have a smooth arrival and stay in India:

  • Valid Travel Documents: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date. Also, have a printed or digital copy of your e-Visa ready for presentation at immigration.

  • Research and Plan Ahead: Familiarize yourself with the local customs, traditions, and etiquette of the region you will be visiting. Research the destinations, transportation options, and necessary precautions to make your trip more enjoyable.

  • Health and Safety: Check with a healthcare professional or travel clinic regarding recommended vaccinations and health precautions for India. Carry necessary medications and travel insurance that covers medical emergencies.

  • Currency and Payments: Familiarize yourself with the local currency (Indian Rupee) and have some cash on hand for small purchases. Credit cards are widely accepted, but it is advisable to carry some cash for places that may not accept cards.

  • Transportation: Book reliable transportation options in advance, such as pre-paid taxis or trusted car rental services, to avoid scams or overcharging. Utilize reputable ride-sharing services or official transportation counters at airports.

  • Respect Local Customs: India is culturally diverse, and it is important to respect local customs and traditions. Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites, and be mindful of local customs and sensitivities.

  • Hygiene and Water: Drink bottled water or use water purifiers to stay hydrated. Avoid consuming uncooked or unhygienic food and maintain good hand hygiene.

  • Communication: English is widely spoken in tourist areas, but it can be helpful to learn a few basic phrases in Hindi or the local language of the region you are visiting. Carry a translation app or phrasebook for assistance.

  • Safety and Security: Stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings. Take precautions against theft, such as securing your belongings and avoiding isolated or poorly lit areas, especially at night.

Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts, including the nearest embassy or consulate, local authorities, and your hotel's contact information.


  • An e-Visa is an electronic travel authorization that allows foreign nationals, including Norwegians, to enter India for various purposes such as tourism, business, medical treatment, or attending conferences.

  • Yes, Norwegian citizens are eligible to apply for an Indian e-Visa.

  • The duration of stay varies depending on the type of e-Visa.

  • The required documents include a valid passport with at least six months of validity, a digital photograph, a scanned copy of the passport's bio page, and any supporting documents specific to the e-Visa category (e.g., invitation letters for business or medical treatment).

  • The processing time for an e-Visa application is typically 3-5 business days for standard processing. Urgent processing is available for quicker turnaround times, usually within 1-3 business days.

  • No, entry is permitted through designated airports, and seaports. The list of eligible entry points is available on the Indian e-Visa website.

  • Generally, e-Visas cannot be extended. However, in the unforeseen circumstance and medical emergency, you can request for extention through e-Visa website, with a genuine purpose.

  • It is recommended to carry a printed copy of your e-Visa, although digital copies on your mobile device are generally accepted.

  • Yes, you can apply for a new e-Visa once your previous one has expired or if you require a fresh visa for a subsequent visit to India.